Drawing Adelaide


"I use the figure in most of my art because it can communicate an infinite variety of ideas and emotions. I especially love the nude figure, as it is universal and timeless."

This drawing with charcoal on newsprint started with a live fifteen minute pose of the model. The goal of the short pose is to capture the energy of the figure. Then using memory and imagination I brought refinement to the final drawing. 

Adelaide Marcus, the incredibly talented dancer, artist, was the model.

Purchase the drawing HERE.

4 Seasons redux

View this post on Instagram Four Seasons Redux, 21.75" x 18″ mixed media, graphite, conte, prisma colors, pastels, print, tape, on paper. Alchemical Goddesses represent the seasons of our life and the self realization of our true natures. https://spalenkablog.wordpress.com/?p=3079&preview=true A … Continue reading