Artist Alley table SDCC 2019

For the first time in 50 years SDCC will not be presenting their live event, however I will be there... online!
I will be there in two ways:
1. I will be at my booth "virtually" in Artist Alley at EE24! Well, sort of, kinda...
Wednesday, 9:00 AM July 22, the Comic-Con@Home Online Exhibit Hall will go live, where you can peruse an interactive version of the floor plan. HERE. 
I suggest enlarging the map (upper left hand corner) so you can see all the exhibiters. I am in Artist Alley EE24 (far left of the map). Roll over the area and I will pop up. I bow to the powers that be at SDCC who pulled this together so quickly.
2. This will be my 10th year anniversary moderating the, Artist As Brand- Rise of the Artist Entrepreneur, panel discussion on art career sustainability... this time via Zoom.
Joining us will be Ciruelo (Spain), Steam Crow (Daniel & Dawna Davis, Arizona), Shiflett Brothers (Brandon & Jarod, Texas), Jacquelin DeLeon (California). You will learn a lot from this group of talented individuals, guaranteed. The video will begin Thursday, July 23, 2020, 3:00 PM, PDT. HERE
Lastly, as I do every year I offer a 10% discount on everything at from July 22- Aug 1. Use code SDCC2020 at checkout.