La Dame Blanche Art Banner

“La Dame Blanche” “reflects a mythic love of spirit and nature that spans time and space. My desire was to capture the romantic, rose dipped healing of mystical wisdom. Created initially for Roxana Illuminated Perfume’s new botanical fragrance inspired by the Outlander … Continue reading

Vespertina Revealed IV

This Crescoptiscope image is attributed to a soul troll in the astral plane. “Humans were carried like bags of flour slung over the backs of the trolls, or tied into strands of their long hair.”* *Vespertina Journal- Spiritus Quarere: De … Continue reading

Vespertina Revealed III

A Crescoptiscope image attributed to The Convent of St. Christina. This is the safe house that Vespertina grew up in with her mystical family.

Vespertina Revealed

Crescoptiscope “Bullocks!” Professor Chetham exclaimed when Jonathan Thorp (grandson of Joseph Gilbert Thorp) told him in 1964 that the Crescoptiscope attributed to Jagadish Chandra Bose could actually reveal memories from organic and inorganic matter. Thorp informed him that the Crescograph which was … Continue reading

Vespertina Unveiled

Researching the fictional reality of Vespertina’s story was a journey unto itself. Here are some highlights from that investigation. In 1712 John Talman, first director of the Society of Antiquaries in England returned from Italy with a compilation of journals … Continue reading

Vespertina the Story

Many of God’s lessons are riddles wrapped in rhymes, Until the power of mercy and the soul which it divines, Encompasses all meaning and leaving no despair, Removes the demons from our minds to heal those unaware. Hidden from our … Continue reading